Our programmes


Our goal is to provide you with a programme that supports you to make positive changes in your life. We work together with you to address those things that might be preventing you from achieving this and impacting on you and others.

Our services

Our services are tailored to your specific situation and needs, with counselling topics and duration of service based on these. For some clients that may only require a few one-hour sessions with their counsellor, while for others it may involve a more detailed assessment and a longer, more intensive service.

We work with you in a positive strengths-based way, drawing on evidenced therapeutic models with proven results. Inform Health can support you with relationship issues, mental health, sex & sexuality issues, addictions, anger management, grief, pornography, trauma and the effects of emotional, physical or sexual abuse.

We work with all age groups including adults, children and young people.

How we work with you


Specialised programmes

Inform Health offers the following specialised programmes to meet specific needs.

WorkBetter - helps those who have engaged in, or been accused of sexual harassment, and are wanting to see change in their lives. WorkBetter is suitable for anyone who:

  • Has engaged in harmful sexual behaviour in the workplace, including sexual harassment and criminal offences
  • Has been accused of sexual harassment in the workplace, whether sexual harassment has occurred or not
  • Is concerned about how they have behaved at work and worried it might lead to sexual harassment allegations and/or behaviours.